
Main objectives of the SustainaBlue project

1. Enhancing the skills of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) teaching staff:

The project aims to improve the skills of HEIs teaching staff in curriculum development and the delivery of content focused on the next generation of blue skills, by integrating new teaching methods and innovative content related to the sustainable blue economy.

2. Strengthening the capacities of HEIs staff for stakeholder collaboration:

The project seeks to build the capacities of both administrative and teaching staff at HEIs to actively engage and collaborate with stakeholders, within the framework of the Quintuple Helix innovation model. A model which involves the University, Industry, Government, Public & Civil Society, and the Environment and emphasises a holistic approach to innovation and sustainable development.

3. Fostering cooperation between HEIs and industry:

The project focuses on enhancing the cooperation between HEIs and industry, along with other stakeholders, to address and bridge the gap between the skills demanded by employers and those offered by HEIs. The aim is to ensure that graduates are well-prepared for the labour market in the blue economy.

4. Modernising academic offerings for a sustainable Blue Economy:

The project involves updating and modernising the academic programs offered by HEIs to include innovative and relevant content that promotes the sustainable blue economy and reflects the latest industry standards and sustainability practices.

5. Transferring research and teaching outcomes to local coastal communities:

The project aims to transfer the outcomes of HEIs teaching and research to local coastal communities, thereby creating social value. This includes sharing knowledge, innovations, and practical solutions that can benefit the communities, particularly in terms of sustainable development and environmental conservation.

6. Improving student skills and employability in the sustainable Blue Economy:

The project focuses on enhancing the skill levels of students, making them more employable in the sustainable blue economy by providing them with practical skills and knowledge relevant to blue industries.

7. Reskilling and upskilling the active workforce in blue industries:

The project aims to reskill and upskill the active workforce in blue industries, equipping them with the next generation of blue skills to help workers adapt to the evolving demands of the blue economy and to promote lifelong learning within the industry.

8. Raising awareness about sustainable blue careers, especially among women:

The project seeks to raise awareness among students about the career opportunities available in the sustainable blue economy, with a particular focus on encouraging women to pursue them.