Result 1

Project management and coordination

Result-1 is integral to achieving all project-specific goals, aiming to ensure seamless and efficient project management, quality assurance, monitoring and evaluation. Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) serves as the project coordinator, responsible for the smooth and successful execution of the project through a series of critical tasks, including:

  • Project Management and Monitoring
  • Project Quality Assurance and Evaluation
  • Project Meetings

Core Deliverables

The core deliverables of this Result include the development of internal tools and mechanisms through the creation of comprehensive plans, guides and detailed reports. To support proper monitoring and evaluation of activities, a series of scheduled meetings will be conducted, to maintain transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement throughout the project.


Kick off meeting

In March 2024, the UMT successfully hosted the project’s kick-off meeting, which was attended by all partners from Malaysia, Indonesia, Greece, and Cyprus. During the two-day event, the partners discussed the project’s benefits and presented the work packages, tasks and deliverables. The roles and responsibilities of each partner were also outlined.

SustainaBlue Kickoff Meeting

Interim meeting 1

Our first official Interim Meeting was held online, allowing partners to present achievements, address issues, and plan the next steps. Key deliverables from the first six months were showcased and all partners assessed progress and identified areas for improvement to address potential obstacles.